



Set in the year 1905, our story revolves around Bruno Reidel, a French seminarian whose life takes a dramatic turn when he finds himself accused of a heinous crime: the murder of a young child. Grappling with the weight of the accusation, Bruno is placed under the close scrutiny of observant doctors who demand an explanation for his unfathomable actions.In an effort to shed light on the dark shadows that shroud his guilt, the troubled Bruno reluctantly agrees to write his memoirs. Through the pages of his written confession, he delves into the depths of his mind, exposing the intricacies of his inner demons and the events that led to the fateful incident. Unveiling his past, Bruno weaves a intricate tapestry of secrets, giving shape to a story that challenges the very boundaries of morality and human nature.As each page turns, the reader is engulfed in a chilling narrative that highlights Brunos conflicted psyche, painting a portrait of a tormented soul wrestling with guilt, remorse, and the consequences of his actions. His words act as both a window into his darkest thoughts and a desperate plea for understanding.While grappling with the enormity of his crime, Brunos memoirs spark debate and introspection among the readers, forcing them to confront their own inner demons. The chilling account invites contemplation on the fragility of the human mind and the complexities of human actions.In this gripping tale of guilt and redemption, the readers are captivated by the haunting narrative and left pondering the profound questions it raises. Brunos memoirs serve as a cautionary tale, urging us to examine the depths of our own humanity in the face of tragedy. The impact of his story lingers long after the final page, leaving an indelible mark on the psyche of those who dare to delve into its unsettling depths.Masterfully crafted and expertly told, this gripping tale offers more than just a glimpse into a crime - it challenges our notions of right and wrong, and the boundaries of empathy. By the final word, one cannot help but be moved by the profound journey that Bruno Reidels memoirs take us on, leaving us with a lingering sense of introspection and a renewed appreciation for the complexities of the human experience.

  • 7.7分2021已完结


  • 9.3分2014HD中字


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  • 7.8分1985HD中字


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  • 5.3分1964HD中字


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