



In the magical realm of New Orleans, a legendary tale unfolds, unveiling the extraordinary life of a man destined to become a musical icon. Set in a world where music pulsates through the veins of the city, we embark on a mythical journey into the life of Buddy Bolden, renowned as the first Cornet King of New Orleans.Born into a humble family, Buddys love affair with music began at a young age. Drawn to the soulful melodies that echoed through the streets, he immersed himself in the vibrant jazz culture that permeated every corner. As Buddy grew older, his talent became evident, and he quickly gained recognition for his unparalleled prowess on the cornet.However, fame came at a price. Buddys ascent to greatness was marred by personal demons that haunted him at every turn. Fuelled by a relentless ambition and a tumultuous lifestyle, he found himself on a tumultuous journey of self-discovery. As Buddys music soared to new heights, so did his struggles with addiction, love, and the constant yearning for recognition.With electrifying performances that captivated audiences, Buddys music became synonymous with the spirit of New Orleans. His soul-stirring melodies resonated with emotions that transcended time and space, allowing people to experience a slice of the citys vibrant culture.In the wake of his meteoric rise, tragedy struck, leaving Buddys musical legacy in jeopardy. It is here that the mythical tale takes a poignant turn, as we witness the triumphs and tribulations of a man desperately clinging to his passion, even in the face of despair.As the credits roll, the immortal legacy of Buddy Bolden endures, reminding us of the power of music and its ability to transcend the boundaries of time. Blending myth and reality, this enchanting narrative captivates the audience, offering a profound exploration of the human spirit and the indomitable force of art. With its magnetic performances and transcendent storytelling, this film is a symphony of emotions that will leave you breathless, and a testament to the everlasting impact of Buddy Bolden, the eternal Cornet King of New Orleans.

  • 8.2分2019HD中字


  • 9.1分2012HD中字


  • 8.8分2021HD中字


  • 7.7分1996HD中字


  • 7.9分2005已完结


  • 9.1分1975HD中字


  • 5.1分1996HD中字


  • 8.2分2022HD中字


  • 6.3分2017HD中字


  • 9.3分2015HD中字


  • 8.7分2017HD中字


  • 5.4分2015HD中字



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