
The series revolves around the enigmatic protagonist James St. Patrick, lovingly referred to as Ghost, who runs a bustling nightclub that has become an institution in the vibrant streets of New York City. Behind this glitzy facade, however, lies a thrilling secret: Ghost is deeply entrenched in the citys underground drug network, asserting his dominance as a influential figure.As Ghost basks in the power and riches that his illicit dealings bring, he finds himself teetering on a precipice, desperately yearning for an escape from the treacherous world he has created. His aspirations for a legitimate life, supporting his establishment through legal means, intensify. But in a merciless world ruled by bloodshed and betrayal, his desire to sever ties with the drug trade proves to be an uphill battle.Navigating the murky waters of his dual existence, Ghost must cloak his true ambitions and negate suspicion, all while attempting to keep his personal life from unraveling. Shadows of resistance emerge, as former allies question his loyalty and formidable adversaries vow to dismantle his empire."The Balance" is a gritty portrayal of the perpetual struggle between good and evil, morality and temptation. With electrifying performances and a nuanced exploration of the human condition, this series delves deep into the complexities of one mans quest for redemption and the tumultuous journey that ensues.Impactful and thought-provoking, "The Balance" offers viewers a gripping narrative that keeps them on the edge of their seats. With its meticulous attention to detail and captivating plot twists, this dark tale of ambition and sacrifice serves as a testament to the power of choice and the haunting consequences it may bring.

  • 9.0分2015已完结


  • 5.3分2013已完结


  • 8.8分2005HD中字


  • 7.4分2022已完结


  • 8.4分2016已完结


  • 7.2分2022HD中字


  • 5.4分2022已完结


  • 6.5分2023全10集



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