In this thrilling Western tale led by Tom Berenger and Trace Adkins, the story unfolds with Kansas Red (portrayed by Drew Waters, known for his role in True Detective) stepping in to save young Billy from a dangerous gunfight that erupts during a high-stakes card game. Touched by Billys vulnerability, Red agrees to assist him in safeguarding his family from the notorious outlaw Thorn (played by Adkins), who has recently abducted Billys mother, Carol. Determined to bring Carol back to safety, Red embarks on a treacherous journey alongside Billy while unexpectedly crossing paths with Leslie, a remarkable and resilient woman. As the trio sets out to free Carol from the clutches of Thorn, they must overcome adversities and face their own demons to accomplish their mission. With stunning landscapes and breathtaking action sequences, this Western adventure takes viewers on a gripping ride filled with heart-stopping moments and unexpected twists. The film brilliantly explores themes of resilience, family bonds, and the unwavering spirit of justice in the untamed Wild West.
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