The story revolves around the concept of rebirth, set in the bustling cities of Kolkata and Hyderabad.In Kolkata, we are introduced to Ravi, a struggling artist who is plagued by recurring dreams and a deep sense of déjà vu. He feels an unexplainable connection to a specific place in Hyderabad, despite never having been there before. Determined to uncover the truth, Ravi embarks on a journey to Hyderabad, hoping to unravel the mysteries that lie beneath.Meanwhile, in Hyderabad, we meet Priya, a successful businesswoman who leads a seemingly perfect life. However, she too experiences strange dreams and inexplicable feelings that draw her towards Kolkata. Driven by an inexplicable force, Priya decides to visit the city and seek answers to the questions that have been haunting her.As their paths intertwine, Ravi and Priya discover shocking revelations about their past lives. They were lovers in a previous existence, torn apart tragically by circumstances beyond their control. Now, in their present lives, fate has brought them together once more, giving them a chance to right the wrongs of the past.Their journey of self-discovery and reunion is filled with love, passion, and obstacles as they navigate through the complexities of their shared history. With each step they take, they find themselves drawn closer to not only each other but also to their true purpose in this lifetime.In the end, Ravi and Priyas love transcends time and space, proving that the bonds of love are unbreakable, even across lifetimes. The film is a captivating exploration of destiny, soul connections, and the power of love to conquer all obstacles.Review:This compelling narrative explores the fascinating theme of reincarnation, weaving together the stories of Ravi and Priya in a spellbinding manner. The film masterfully captures the essence of the eternal bonds of love and destiny, taking viewers on an emotional rollercoaster ride. With stunning visuals and mesmerizing performances, it effortlessly draws us into a world where past lives converge with the present, leaving us questioning the mysteries of our own existence. A thought-provoking and heartwarming journey that will leave audiences contemplating the power and transcendence of love.
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