The story revolves around two teenagers who share a deep fascination with futurism, architecture, and invention. In their quest for self-discovery, they embark on a journey to transcend the boundaries of their mundane high school lives. Their ultimate goal is not only to indulge in the pleasures of intimacy but also to carve their own path as rebellious icons of the punk subculture.While navigating the treacherous waters of adolescence, these two protagonists find themselves drawn to the captivating life story of R. Buckminster Fuller – a visionary figure in the fields of futurism, architecture, and invention. Inspired by Fullers groundbreaking ideas and relentless pursuit of innovation, they see him as a guiding light on their tumultuous journey.Amidst the chaos of teenage rebellion and the trials of high school, they use Fullers teachings as a framework to reimagine their surroundings. Armed with a newfound sense of purpose, they strive to design a future that is not limited by societal norms and constraints. Through their shared passion for transformation, they ignite a revolutionary spark within themselves and those around them."The film" captivates audiences with its unique blend of coming-of-age struggles, punk rock anthems, and the astonishing legacy of R. Buckminster Fuller. It serves as a poignant reminder that the power of imagination and the pursuit of passion can lead to extraordinary accomplishments. This thought-provoking journey transcends the boundaries of time and space, leaving viewers inspired to challenge the status quo and shape a future that mirrors their wildest dreams.
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