In a small town in Bihar, a disturbing custom known as groom kidnappings has been prevalent for years, aiming to evade the burden of dowry. The story revolves around a notorious thug, portrayed by Siddharth Malhotra, who becomes an unexpected accomplice in this controversial practice. With his street-smart skills and cunning mind, he aids in executing the kidnappings, making him the go-to person for those desperate to avoid the financial strains associated with dowry. Alongside him, Parineeti Chopra assumes a significant role that adds depth and complexity to the narrative.As the duo engages in their covert operations, circumventing the law and societal norms, they begin to question the ethics behind their actions. Siddharths character starts to realize the repercussions of commodifying love and the devastating impact it has on the lives of innocent grooms. Parineetis character, on the other hand, embodies the voice of reason, constantly challenging the moral boundaries they have crossed.Directed by a masterful filmmaker, the movie delves into the dark corners of a tradition that has plagued society for generations. It exposes the stark realities and injustices faced by both men and women, highlighting the desperate measures taken to break free from the trappings of dowry. The film skillfully weaves together intense emotions, heart-wrenching moments, and thought-provoking dilemmas, captivating audiences with its compelling storyline.Aside from its engaging plot, the film boasts stellar performances by Siddharth Malhotra and Parineeti Chopra. Their chemistry on screen is palpable, enhancing the authenticity of their characters emotional journeys. Both actors deliver powerful portrayals, seamlessly transitioning between moments of mischief, conflict, and introspection.Overall, this movie sheds light on a pertinent social issue while showcasing the immense talent of its cast and crew. It is an emotionally charged and intellectually stimulating cinematic experience that leaves a lasting impact. By uncovering the harsh realities of groom kidnappings and its impact on individuals lives, the film prompts viewers to question age-old customs and reevaluate societal norms.
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