
Reed Morano and Jane Featherstone are teaming up to produce the Amazon 10-episode series "The Power," based on Naomi Aldermans bestselling novel of the same name. The show, which was listed as one of former President Barack Obamas favorite books of 2017, takes place in a world where teenage girls suddenly develop the ability to generate electricity in their hands. They can also awaken this power in adult women through touch, resulting in a complete reversal of gender dynamics. The first season will introduce characters from London, Arizona, Nigeria, and Moldova, showcasing the global impact of this newfound power.Film Review:"The Power" is a thought-provoking and electrifying series that delves into the complex themes of power dynamics and gender inequality. The show brilliantly captures the essence of Naomi Aldermans novel, captivating viewers with its unique premise and strong character development.Reed Moranos exceptional direction brings the story to life, infusing each episode with a palpable tension and a sense of urgency. The performances are outstanding, with the cast delivering nuanced and compelling portrayals of characters grappling with newfound power and the consequences that come with it.The series explores the implications of power in a world that suddenly sees women at the forefront, challenging long-standing norms and turning societal hierarchy on its head. It confronts the viewer with uncomfortable questions about power, control, and the abuse of authority in a way that forces introspection and reflection on the real-world dynamics of gender."The Power" also succeeds in its global scope, offering a diverse array of characters from different corners of the world. The different cultural contexts further emphasize the impact of this newfound power, showcasing how it affects societies and individuals across continents.With its riveting storyline and exceptional craftsmanship, "The Power" stands as a remarkable adaptation that not only entertains but also provokes important discussions about gender, power, and the potential for change.

  • 9.0分2019HD中字


  • 5.2分2016HD中字


  • 6.1分2012更新至第23集


  • 9.4分2003HD中字


  • 7.0分2015HD中字


  • 7.1分2009HD中字


  • 8.0分2015HD中字


  • 6.3分2000HD中字


  • 5.7分1997HD中字


  • 6.0分1997HD中字


  • 9.5分1998HD中字


  • 7.4分2010HD中字



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