
BBC One and HBO co-produced the 8-episode series "Gentleman Jack" (formerly known as "Shibden Hall"), created by Sally Wainwright. The show is set to premiere on April 22nd in the United States, with a later airing in the United Kingdom."Gentleman Jack" is a fictionalized portrayal of the real-life figure Anne Lister, set in 1832 Halifax. Known as Gentleman Jack, Anne Lister, portrayed by Suranne Jones, is a wealthy landowner and a prolific diarist. She is also an open and self-aware lesbian, earning her the title of "The first modern lesbian". The series delves into her relationships with her family, servants, tenants, business rivals, and her lesbian partner Ann Walker.The ensemble cast includes Sophie Rundle, Derek Riddell, Veronica Clifford, Sylvia Syms, Brendan Patricks, and Casp, among others.After watching "Gentleman Jack", one can appreciate the intricate and layered portrayal of Anne Listers life. Suranne Jones delivers a compelling performance, fully embodying the complex character of Gentleman Jack with grace and authenticity. The series successfully captures the essence of the era while addressing important themes of sexuality and identity. Sally Wainwrights skilled writing and direction keep the audience engaged throughout the episodes, with a perfect balance of drama, humor, and romance.The historical setting and attention to detail in the production design transport viewers to 19th-century Halifax, creating a captivating visual experience. The supporting cast delivers notable performances, adding depth and nuance to their respective characters."Gentleman Jack" shines a spotlight on an often overlooked chapter of LGBTQ+ history and celebrates the courage of Anne Lister, a trailblazing woman who defied societal conventions. The series is a must-watch for those seeking intelligent storytelling and compelling performances.

  • 7.4分2019已完结


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