






Nanako Matsutaka (voiced by Kana Hanazawa) is an ordinary college girl who, by chance, meets her senior student Musashi Komugi (voiced by Akira Ishida) and quickly falls in love with him. In order to follow in Musashis footsteps, Nanako joins the "Bianken Club" that he is a part of. Little did she know, this simple decision would plunge Nanako into a terrifying world of various eccentric individuals.Within this club, Nanako encounters Emiko Mizuki (voiced by Yukiko Takaguchi), a classmate with a sadistic tendency; Ayane Shikina (voiced by Yoshie Kawakami), a money-driven individual; Shigeyoshi Ichikawa (voiced by Norihisa Mori), a photography enthusiast; and Anna Kato (voiced by Ryoko Shintani), a delinquent girl. Surrounded by these peculiar characters, can Nanako truly enjoy her ideal college life without having any abnormal desires of her own? What kind of encounters will she experience in this unconventional world, being someone who lacks any perverted inclinations?Review: "Nanakos journey into the dark and bizarre rabbit hole of the "Bianken Club" is a thrilling and perplexing ride. The anime presents a unique blend of romance, comedy, and psychological elements, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats throughout. Kana Hanazawas portrayal of Nanako brings an endearing innocence to the character, contrasting with the outrageous personalities of those surrounding her.The animation beautifully captures the eerie atmosphere of the club, with its distinct art style and dark color palette. The storytelling skillfully weaves together the various plotlines and character developments, creating a captivating narrative that constantly leaves the audience guessing. Each episode holds surprises and unexpected twists, making it hard to predict what awaits Nanako in this bizarre world.While the series does explore some dark and unconventional themes, it does so in a way that intriguingly challenges societal norms and prompts viewers to question their own desires and perceptions. It serves as a reminder that even in the most peculiar settings, human connections and self-discovery can take place.Overall, "Bianken Club" is a gripping anime that delves into the depths of human desires and the unconventional relationships that can arise from them. It is a must-watch for those seeking a thought-provoking and thrilling experience, but be prepared for a journey into the unexpected."

  • 7.3分2018更新至第06集


  • 5.4分2009更新至OVA06

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  • 8.4分2017已完结


  • 9.7分2008HD中字


  • 6.9分2019已完结


  • 7.1分2018已完结


  • 6.3分2006已完结


  • 9.0分2005已完结


  • 7.7分2014已完结


  • 8.7分2020更新至第12集


  • 9.3分2000已完结


  • 7.6分2018已完结

    恋爱禁止的世界 OAD


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