



In an isolated world, Mia, a solitary teenager, discovers a peculiar ceramic hand that grants her access to the realm of spirits. Intrigued by the prospect of connecting with the other side, she delves deeper into the mystic arts, oblivious to the consequences that lie ahead. However, when a soul claiming to be her deceased mother appears before her, Mia finds her world turned upside down.As the mystical encounters intensify, Mia inadvertently unleashes a torrent of supernatural forces upon her life. Haunted by spirits and plagued by eerie occurrences, she is left grappling with her deepest fears. The line between the living and the dead becomes blurred, forcing Mia to question her own sanity and confront the dangers lurking in her midst.Caught in a desperate dilemma, Mia must decipher who she can trust in this supernatural maze. Are the living hiding secrets from her, or are the deceased manipulating her for their own agenda? With her grip on reality slipping, every decision Mia makes becomes a matter of life and death."An enthralling exploration of the supernatural realm, the film takes viewers on a chilling journey through Mias unraveling psyche. The narrative grips audiences from the very beginning and refuses to let go, delivering an unsettling yet mesmerizing experience. With its seamless blend of suspense, horror, and emotional depth, it offers a fresh perspective on the age-old question of life after death.The standout performances, particularly by the young lead portraying Mia, breathe life into the characters harrowing journey. The tension between the living and the dead is palpable, building an atmosphere of constant unease that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The visually stunning cinematography and hauntingly beautiful soundtrack further enhance the films eerie ambiance.With its thought-provoking exploration of trust, grief, and the boundaries of the supernatural, this gripping tale leaves audiences pondering the fragility of the human mind and the power of the unknown. A truly haunting and unforgettable cinematic experience, Unearthed Whispers enthralls and disturbs in equal measure.

  • 9.7分2023更新至第03集


  • 5.1分2000HD中字


  • 9.7分2018HD中字


  • 9.6分2017HD中字


  • 7.2分2014HD中字


  • 7.6分2002HD中字


  • 9.8分2020HD中字


  • 5.2分2004HD中字


  • 6.4分2003HD中字


  • 9.5分2015已完结


  • 9.2分2022HD中字



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