During the festive season meant for peace and joyous family gatherings, Matt and his wife Karen unexpectedly visit Matts estranged brother Steve for Christmas. However, their holiday takes a chilling turn when they discover an unsettling surprise in Steves home – a man confined in the basement. This is no ordinary man, according to Steve; he is convinced that their captive is none other than the devil incarnate.---影评:这部影片在圣诞节背景下展开的故事给观众带来了紧张刺激的体验。随着家庭团聚的期望被扭曲成令人毛骨悚然的惊悚场景,观众陷入了对家庭关系和超自然元素的交织的深度思考。精彩的剧情和出人意料的转折使观众一直紧张到片末。这部影片成功地将传统的圣诞元素与紧张的惊悚情节相融合,为观众呈现了一个充满悬疑和创意的视听盛宴。
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