Raquel and Ares have been in a long-distance relationship for what seems like an eternity. The strain of being apart finally comes to an end when they reunite during the summer on the breathtaking landscapes of Costa Brava. Surrounded by friends, Raquel and Ares begin to confront the doubts that have been creeping into their minds, wondering if their love can truly withstand the test of time.影评:这部影片深刻描绘了长距离恋人如何在困难时刻面对挑战。由美丽的景色和情感交织的情节构成,使观众不禁陷入对爱情的思考。演员们的表演令人信服,将角色的内心挣扎展现得淋漓尽致。整部影片充满了温馨和真实的情感,给人留下深刻的印象。
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