A sea creature named Fish is determined to transform into a land-dweller, hoping to explore a new world beyond the waters. Meanwhile, Chips, a sophisticated feline, longs to reclaim the luxurious life he once enjoyed. Both of them seek a mystical talisman that can make their wishes come true - a enchanted bone. However, a fierce competition emerges between Fish and Chips as they battle for possession of this powerful artifact.影评:这部影片通过讲述Fish和Chips为了各自的梦想而展开激烈争夺的故事,勾勒出了生存欲望和追求不同生活的冲突。角色之间的对抗和磨合引人入胜,让观众对他们的命运充满期待。同时,影片中对于获取梦想的渴望和付出的代价进行了深刻的探讨,引发观众对人性的思考。
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