The story revolves around Antoinette Vitrini, a brilliant vulcanologist, and her sister Emily, as they join forces to expose an illegal oil drilling operation. The scheme, if left unchecked, could trigger the eruption of a super-volcano located right beneath Miami. As Antoinette races against time to gather evidence and raise awareness about the impending disaster, she and Emily must navigate through treacherous obstacles and powerful adversaries who will stop at nothing to protect their interests. Will they succeed in preventing the catastrophic event that threatens to devastate the city?---This film is a heart-pounding race against time that combines thrilling action with environmental themes. The dynamic between the two sisters adds emotional depth to the story, making it more than just a disaster movie. With a compelling plot and high stakes, "Follows" keeps viewers on the edge of their seats while also delivering a powerful message about the importance of environmental protection.
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