A notorious British serial killer, Dennis Nilsen, admitted to the murders of 15 individuals in 1983. Throughout a span of five years, he targeted defenseless young men, bringing them to his residence, strangling them, and concealing their remains beneath the floorboards. The motives behind his gruesome actions have since sparked extensive conjecture in various literary works and documentary films.**影评:**这部揭示Dennis Nilsen罪行的影片让观众们如坠谷底,对于这位残忍连环杀手的动机和行为展开了深入思考。导演通过讲述案件始末,将观众引向一个扭曲而引人深思的现实世界。放下难以启齿的罪行细节,影片对于人性的探讨令人感到毛骨悚然。
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