A stunning young woman living in the South of France finds herself being followed and then assaulted by an unknown masked figure. In a desperate act of self-defense, she fatally shoots her attacker and disposes of the body in the ocean. However, her actions come back to haunt her when an American detective arrives on the scene, revealing an unsettling knowledge of her dark deed.影评:这部剧情紧凑而令人紧张,将观众带入了一场错综复杂的心理游戏中。女主角在面对恐怖的袭击后展现出坚强的一面,而随后的转折却让整个故事的氛围变得更加阴森恐怖。角色之间的心理对抗和角力使得观众不禁紧张地关注着故事的发展,直到最后的结局揭晓。整体而言,这部剧情扣人心弦,让观众沉浸在紧张的情节中,难以忘怀。
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