Altracorp, a wealthy and powerful corporation, is conducting a secret biochemical experiment on a remote uninhabited island near the Quiet River in the province of British Columbia. Despite facing unanimous opposition from the American public, the experiment continues with the companys exceptional PR tactics and covert government support. However, a troubling piece of news reaches Altracorp - all researchers on the island have gone missing. In order to find survivors and uncover the cause of the disappearance, the company dispatches a rescue team consisting of Raymond Hua, Zixue Gan, Sophie Miller, Alan Tristan, and Will Kane to the mysterious and secluded island.Upon landing, the team discovers a missing researcher who, despite being shot and collapsed on the ground, transforms into a sinister black mist that lunges towards the rescue squad...Review: This thrilling narrative delves into the consequences of unchecked corporate power and the dangers of unethical scientific experiments. As the rescue team navigates the eerie island, the tension builds with each mysterious revelation. The transformation of the researcher into a malevolent force adds a chilling element to the plot, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats. With a blend of suspense and intrigue, the story keeps the audience engaged as they witness the unfolding horrors of Altracorps hidden agenda.
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