Vertical Entertainment secured the North American distribution rights for a film starring Natalie Domer and Ed Skrein, directed by Anthony Byrne. The film tells the story of a blind girl named Sophia (played by Domer) who accidentally hears a fight coming from upstairs. In reality, Veronica, the woman living above her, has been framed. Sophia finds herself inexplicably drawn into a dark web of events. The film is set to be released in North America in May this year.影评:[黑暗之中]巧妙地将一个看似普通情节中融入了悬疑和惊悚元素,将观众带入了一场扣人心弦的故事之中。娜塔莉·多默尔出色地诠释了角色索菲亚,带来了观众未曾预料到的惊喜和感动。导演安东尼·拜恩的执导功力可见一斑,让整个故事更加紧凑和引人入胜。观众将会在影片中经历一场关于黑暗、谎言和勇气的独特之旅,不容错过。
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