Rusty Wittenburg, a dedicated Navy SEAL, finds himself constantly grappling with the challenges of juggling his family responsibilities with the demands of his intense job. Haunted by the recurring nightmares brought on by his PTSD, he must battle to keep a firm grip on reality. Despite the internal struggles he faces, Rusty remains fiercely committed to his team and their mission, prepared to make any sacrifice necessary for the sake of his brothers in arms.影评:这部影片以一个真实而细致的角度展现了一名海豹突击队员如何在家庭与工作之间保持平衡,同时还要应对由创伤后应激障碍所带来的噩梦。观众将随着Rusty Wittenburg的故事感受到他对团队和使命的无尽奉献,以及他为保护战友所做出的最终牺牲。这部影片犀利地揭示了在极端环境中工作的人们所面临的困境,同时也展现了他们无畏的精神和忠诚。
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