The narrative follows Estelle, an exceptionally skilled long-haul pilot, who meticulously maintains her well-structured life with her devoted husband, Guillaume. Despite her proficiency in the cockpit, the demands of constant flights and the accompanying jet lag start to disrupt Estelles internal clock, particularly her ability to sleep. One fateful day, while walking through a corridor at Nice airport...---The gripping storyline unravels the intricate balance between Estelles professional prowess and personal life, shedding light on the challenges she faces as a high-flying captain struggling to find rest amidst the chaos of the skies. The contrast between her theoretical mastery of flight and the crumbling foundations of her own health creates a tension that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. This fresh perspective on the life of a pilot delves deep into the human side of an otherwise glamorous profession, making it a compelling watch for anyone seeking a peek behind the curtain of the aviation world.
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