Within the confines of the Shadow Haven orphanage, a haunting legend has permeated the halls for generations: the tale of the artisan of sorrow, a mystifying creator responsible for fashioning the fears and worries that plague humanity. As Nica approaches her seventeenth year within these walls, she must confront the reality beyond these fantastical myths. Her fervent aspiration is on the verge of realization when the Milligans, the caretakers of the orphanage, make an unexpected announcement...Review:This captivating narrative weaves a web of mystery and intrigue, enthralling the audience with its dark fairy tale elements. The exploration of fear and the human psyche is masterfully portrayed through the lens of the orphanages unsettling legends. The protagonists journey towards self-discovery and newfound dreams is a poignant and compelling odyssey that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
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