When naval construction designer Oliver Reed (portrayed by Kent Smith) encounters the enigmatic Serbian Irena Dubrovna Reed (played by Simone Simon) at the zoo, he is instantly drawn to her, initiating a flirtation that swiftly blossoms into love. Despite their deepening connection, their marital bliss is overshadowed by Irenas haunting fear of an age-old curse plaguing her hometown—a curse dictating that any intimate touch from a man will trigger her transformation into a panther. As the couple grapples with this ominous threat, their union remains unconsummated...Review:This timeless tale weaves together elements of romance and suspense, underscored by the haunting specter of a dark curse. Kent Smith and Simone Simon deliver captivating performances, drawing viewers into the tumultuous love story at the heart of the narrative. With its atmospheric setting and nuanced character dynamics, this film offers a compelling exploration of loves power in the face of ancient, otherworldly forces.
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