Goliat unfolds against the backdrop of a quaint industrial town nestled in the heart of Sweden. Following Rolands incarceration, the burden of sustaining the family falls upon his 17-year-old son, Kimmie. Tasked with inheriting his fathers criminal enterprise, Kimmie finds himself thrust into a world for which he is ill-prepared. The film delves into the harrowing journey of a young boy grappling with the harsh realities of adulthood, while shedding light on the complexities of social legacy and patriarchal frameworks.Review:Goliat offers a stark portrayal of the intergenerational struggles within a small-town setting, painting a gritty picture of the challenges faced by its characters. Through Kimmies tumultuous journey, the film unearths the weight of societal expectations and familial obligations, delivering a poignant commentary on the cyclical nature of hardship and resilience. Goliats raw authenticity and compelling narrative make it a captivating exploration of the human experience, leaving a lasting impression on its audience.
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