"Spotlight" centers around the investigative team of the "Spotlight" column at The Boston Globe, led by Robbie Robinson (portrayed by Michael Keaton). The team, including Sacha Pfeiffer (played by Rachel McAdams), Michael Rezendes (played by Mark Ruffalo), and Matt Carroll (played by Brian dArcy James), is tasked by the new editor-in-chief, Marty Baron (played by Liev Schreiber), to look into a long-buried case involving a Catholic priest accused of molesting children within the parish. Initially perceived as a minor assignment, they soon uncover a web of cover-ups involving hundreds of victims and a systematic effort by the Church to silence the victims through settlements and intimidation. As they delve deeper, they unearth evidence implicating not only clergy members but also complicit officials beyond Boston, even globally. Despite facing resistance from local authorities and pressure from both within and outside the Church, Robinson and his team persist in their investigation, determined to expose the truth.影评:《Spotlight》是一部令人震撼的真实事件改编影片,剖析了权力和道德的冲突。导演通过深入的调查和真实的叙事手法,将观众带入一个令人不安的现实世界,展现了新闻人员艰难而不屈的追求真相的过程。演员们的出色表演和剧本的紧凑结构让影片更加引人入胜,给人留下深刻的印象。这部影片提出了重要的道德和社会问题,引发了观众对权力滥用和受害者正义的深思。
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