An ancient Native American demon, the Windigo, is awakened by a young member of the Chippewa tribe and his grandmother to defend their family following a confrontation with illicit drug traffickers in a rural area. However, they quickly realize that the creatures insatiable bloodlust cannot be contained. With each act of violence drawing the teenager and the Windigo into a tighter bond, the family races against time to find a solution to break the curse before they all fall prey to the demons relentless hunger for destruction.Review:This intense and gripping tale of supernatural forces colliding with human desperation presents a unique spin on the classic folklore of the Windigo. The seamless blend of ancient myths and modern-day struggles creates a chilling atmosphere that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The film explores themes of family, sacrifice, and the nature of evil, offering a haunting reflection on the consequences of summoning forces beyond our control. With a riveting storyline and captivating performances, this dark fantasy delivers a powerful punch that lingers long after the credits roll.
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