Jake Szymanski, who directed "Online Date Night" and "Tour de Pharmacy," is set to direct a new Netflix series titled "The Eggplant Emoji." The screenplay is written by Kevin Burrows and Matt Mider, with production by Ben Stiller, Nikki Minstock, and Adam Devine. The story follows a teenager who accidentally cuts off his private parts during a camping trip. His friends rush in a panic to save the unfortunate organ, preventing a larger disaster from happening. The series is said to adopt a creative style reminiscent of the 2007 film "Superbad," but with an even more wild and daring approach, including plenty of R-rated language.Review:"The Eggplant Emoji" promises to be a wild and outrageous series, blending humor with a touch of absurdity in a way that is both shocking and hilarious. With a talented team of creators and producers behind the scenes, this show is sure to push boundaries and deliver unexpected twists and turns. The premise alone sets the stage for a chaotic and unpredictable storyline that is bound to keep viewers entertained from start to finish. Its certainly not for the faint of heart, but for those who enjoy dark comedy and irreverent humor, "The Eggplant Emoji" is shaping up to be a must-watch series on Netflix.
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