The story revolves around a U.S. military veteran named Sergeant Rick Pedroni, who comes back from a mission in Afghanistan profoundly altered by a harrowing encounter with an unknown entity. Despite the military attributing his erratic behavior to PTSD and pushing for trauma treatment, Ricks wife Kate uncovers the chilling truth that her husband has been overtaken by a dark and malevolent spirit. With the clock ticking, Kate must find a way to save Rick before its too late..."Delving into the supernatural realm and blurring the lines between reality and the unseen, this gripping tale of possession and desperation keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. As the tension escalates and the sinister forces at play are revealed, the film masterfully weaves a narrative that is both chilling and thought-provoking. With stellar performances and a haunting atmosphere, this movie delivers a spine-tingling experience that lingers long after the credits roll."
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