A talented sound designer seeks solace from fractured relationships with her former partner, colleagues, and mother by immersing herself in the studio. Here, she loses herself in the meticulous process of recording Foley and wild tracks, as well as editing and mixing. However, unsettling signs begin to emerge, hinting at a possible disconnect in her own mental state. 影评:这部影片通过独特的声音设计师视角,描绘了一个充满内心挣扎与孤独的故事。随着主人公在录音棚中尽情投入工作的同时,观众也逐渐感受到她内心的脆弱与不稳定。影片巧妙地通过声音设计的元素,传达了主人公的情绪和心理变化,让观众仿佛身临其境般共情。整体氛围紧张而引人深思,给人留下了深刻印象。
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