Witness the touching tale of two young girls, both of whom are orphans, as they embark on a heartwarming quest to find a place to call home just in time for Christmas. Supported by their caring guardian angels, portrayed by the beloved Dick Van Dyke and Angela Lansbury, the girls learn that magic and miracles are possible when one never loses hope in the power of belief.影评:这部情感动人的影片讲述了两个孤儿女孩为了在圣诞节找到一个家而展开的温暖之旅。在他们的守护天使(迪克·范·戴克和安吉拉·兰斯伯里饰演)的帮助下,她们明白了只要相信,奇迹总会发生。这部影片让观众充满了感动和对美好事物的期待。
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