Tommy DiNello, a freelance videographer, returns to his hometown of North Branford Ct. after a two-year absence in New York City. Upon his return, he discovers that his cousins, Marie and Dom Jr., are struggling to accept their fathers new wife, Varya, who is younger and foreign, especially since their mother passed away just two years ago. With his own parents having moved to Florida during his time away, Tommy finds himself in a situation where he must live with his uncle and new aunt, adding to the tension within the family.Tommys presence in the household brings a mix of nostalgia and unease as he navigates the complex dynamics at play. As he reconnects with his cousins and tries to find his place in this changed family dynamic, old wounds resurface and new conflicts arise. Despite the challenges, Tommy is determined to mend the fractured relationships and bring a sense of unity back to the family he holds dear.影评:这部影片充满了家庭关系的复杂性和情感纠葛,通过Tommy的视角展现了家庭成员之间的矛盾和挣扎。演员们出色的表演让人物形象栩栩如生,观众们能够感同身受每个角色的内心挣扎。故事情节扣人心弦,充满了情感冲突和转折,让人不禁为这个家庭的命运担忧。整体而言,这部影片引人入胜,展现了人性的复杂性和强大的情感表达力。
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