The story follows Phua Chu Kang (Gurmit Singth) as he is convinced by his mother Ah Ma (Neo Swee Lin) to compete for a contract to refurbish the Heaven Can Wait retirement home, which is owned by the dishonest Lim Lau Pek (Henry Thia). Despite his confusion over Ah Mas strong desire for him to secure the project, Phua agrees to take on the job. Along the way, he discovers that his long-time rival Frankie Foo (Li...---This film is a delightful blend of comedy and heartwarming moments, as Phua Chu Kang embarks on a renovation project that turns out to be more than just a job. The dynamic between Phua and his mother Ah Ma adds a touching layer to the story, while the rivalry with Frankie Foo injects humor and excitement. With a cast of quirky characters and unexpected plot twists, "Heaven Can Wait" is a charming tale that will leave you with a smile on your face.
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