Following the passing of their parents, Ambar and Dika find themselves relocating to a nursing home under the ownership of their parents long-time friend and his son, Agus. The Masa Toea nursing home is home to three individuals: Grandma Ani, Grandpa Farid, and Oma Ida. These three are looked after by Rina, a nurse who is romantically involved with Agus. Shortly after Ambar and Dika settle in, a series of events unfold involving Oma Idas grandson, Arthur...After watching the plot unfold, one cant help but marvel at the delicate balance between heartbreak and humor portrayed in this film. The dynamics between the characters, especially the intergenerational relationships, are portrayed with such sincerity that it tugs at the heartstrings of the viewers. The unfolding drama keeps the audience engaged, while the underlying message of love, loss, and resilience lingers long after the credits roll.
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