A young woman finds herself receiving guidance through anonymous notes from a mysterious individual known as the "Handyman." These notes prove to be her source of direction and inspiration when a sales representative shows up with intentions to purchase her familys winery. As she navigates this unexpected turn of events, she must decide whether to trust the mysterious hand guiding her or succumb to the pressures of selling the winery that holds sentimental value. 影评:这部影片以神秘的笔记提供引导的形式,为观众呈现了一场家族遗产与商业诱惑的较量。主人公在决定是否出售葡萄园的过程中,通过“维修工”的神秘笔记,展现出内心的挣扎和成长。剧情紧凑,情节跌宕起伏,令人无法预测结局。这部影片充满了悬疑和温情,带领观众探索家庭、传承和自我认知之间的微妙平衡。
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