Successful novelist Larry Donner (played by Billy Crystal) is facing a major writers block, largely due to his lingering bitterness towards his ex-wife Margaret (portrayed by Kate Mulgrew). Margaret not only walked away with Larrys book but also achieved immense fame and critical acclaim with it. On the other hand, Owen Lift (with a brilliant performance by Danny DeVito) is a meek and middle-aged man trapped in a suffocating co-existence with his domineering and cruel mother (ably portrayed by Anne Ramsey). Owen finds solace in daydreaming about ending his mothers life but...A dark and twisted tale of two men struggling with their respective demons, "Novelists Nightmare" delves deep into themes of resentment, ambition, and the intricate web of human emotions. Billy Crystal and Danny DeVito deliver powerhouse performances, each adding layers of complexity to their characters. The tension between their desires and realities is palpable, drawing the audience into a world of intrigue and moral dilemmas. The film skillfully navigates the thin line between madness and sanity, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.
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