The trailer for a film produced by The Orchard has been released, starring Arman Darbo, Justin Long, Melanie Lynskey, and directed by Vincent Grashaw. This movie, based on the novel "Project X," revolves around the school life of a boy named Edwin (played by Arman Darbo) and his friend Bobby (played by Sawyer Barth). The film is set to premiere in North America on April 18th.Review:"And Then I Go delves deep into the harsh realities of adolescence, portraying the struggles and complexities of teenage life with raw emotion and sensitivity. With a stellar cast and gripping storytelling, the film captivates the audience from start to finish, offering a poignant reflection on the tumultuous journey of growing up. Vincent Grashaws direction shines through in every frame, creating a poignant and thought-provoking cinematic experience that lingers long after the credits roll."
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