23 years before a groundbreaking animated film was released, George Dunning created a peculiar and abstract animated short for the Canadian Safety Board. This short film, featuring simple cut-out animation and the tune of "Three Blind Mice," narrates the tragic factory accidents suffered by three mice employed there. Neglecting to inspect their machinery led to disastrous consequences for the unsuspecting mice, as they faced the harsh reality of inattentiveness in their workplace. 影评:这部短片展现了George Dunning独特的创作风格,以简单的剪纸动画和经典歌曲“Three Blind Mice”为载体,深刻揭示了工厂安全的重要性。故事通过三只工作的小老鼠的悲惨遭遇,警示观众注意工作环境和设备的安全性。作品虽然抽象,却让观众深刻反思,体会到忽视安全规定可能带来的严重后果。
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