Continuing the tradition of her late Belgian paternal grandfather, Lucy Sweet is the head chocolatier at a quaint shop called How Sweet It Is in the small Midwestern town of Watson Corners. Alongside her mother, Helen Sweet, who is a widow, they run the business together. As the new year begins, they are met with a significant rise in rent that threatens the stability of their beloved store. To overcome this financial challenge, they must find a way to boost sales during their busiest season...---The heartwarming tale of family, tradition, and perseverance unfolds in this charming story set in the cozy town of Watson Corners. Lucys dedication to honoring her grandfathers legacy through her chocolate-making skills is both inspiring and endearing. The bond between Lucy and her mother, Helen, is portrayed beautifully, showcasing the strength that comes from standing together in the face of adversity. As they navigate the challenges of business ownership and the pressures of financial strain, viewers are taken on a journey filled with hope, love, and, of course, delicious chocolate treats. "How Sweet It Is" is a delightful reminder of the importance of community support and the resilience found in family ties.
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