Michael (or Fresh, as he is commonly referred to) is a 12-year-old boy who finds himself entangled in the dangerous world of drug dealing. Living in a cramped house with his aunt and cousins, he tries to navigate the chaos surrounding him. Despite his challenging circumstances, Fresh possesses a unique quality of tranquility and introspection. Freshs only solace comes from his occasional chess games with his father, who has succumbed to the hardships of the street life. Meanwhile, his sister, consumed by her addiction, forms intimate relationships with the very dealers Fresh sells drugs for. As the narrative unfolds, Fresh undergoes a remarkable transformation. He begins to question the reality of the life he leads and slowly comprehends the devastating consequences of his actions. It dawns on him that continuing down this path would not only destroy his own future, but also perpetuate the vicious cycle of drugs and violence in his community. Determined to break free from the destructive grip of drug dealing, Fresh embarks on a courageous journey to change his life. Along the way, he encounters unexpected allies and confronts ruthless adversaries. With each step, Fresh becomes more resolute in his conviction to find a way out. "Michael" (or "Fresh") is a thought-provoking drama that delves into the complex world of a young boy caught in the web of drug trade. Its gripping narrative and captivating performances illuminate themes of resilience, self-discovery, and the power to overcome adversity. The film serves as a reminder of the transformative potential within each individual, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges.
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