Lea, a young girl facing a life-threatening situation, embarks on her final academic endeavor - a thesis exploring the possibility of amplifying emotions, both positive and negative. Through her research, she stumbles upon the "Werther Effect", a psychological phenomenon leading to a cascade of negativity. Determined to counteract this, Lea immerses herself in a project that promises to bring about the opposite...As the story unfolds, Lea navigates the complexities of human emotions and the delicate balance between joy and sorrow. Her quest for understanding leads her to a path of self-discovery and the realization that perhaps, it is in embracing the full spectrum of emotions that one can truly experience the richness of life.Review:This thought-provoking narrative delves into the intricate nuances of emotions and the impact of our choices on our well-being. A compelling exploration of the human psyche, it challenges viewers to reconsider the traditional notions of happiness and sadness. With a captivating storyline and compelling character development, this film offers a fresh perspective on the complexities of emotional experiences.
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