Twenty-year-old Elya is a dedicated student with a promising future as an ecologist. Her world turns upside down when Matvey, the head of a construction company, visits her university to discuss plans for developing an old forest park. Unwilling to see the precious natural habitat destroyed, Elya boldly opposes Matveys project. Intrigued by her passion and determination, Matvey decides to use his usual tactics of persuasion, attempting to sway Elya with enticing offers...The intensity and complexity of the relationship between Elya and Matvey drives the narrative forward, challenging traditional power dynamics and societal norms. As they navigate their differences and conflicting interests, the audience is drawn into a thought-provoking exploration of environmental conservation, personal values, and the price of compromise.Elyas unwavering commitment to protecting the environment serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of standing up for what you believe in, even in the face of powerful opposition. Matveys evolving perspective sheds light on the complexity of human motivations and the possibility of redemption. Overall, the film offers a compelling and engaging narrative that invites viewers to reflect on their own principles and the choices they make in a rapidly changing world.
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