Lera is a sociology student at a small-town university, grappling with a mother who is a sleepwalker full of belief in miracles, and a father who has recently abandoned the family for another woman. Feeling lost and with no clue on how to improve her life, Lera faces an additional challenge as a mysterious spirit starts appearing in her dreams night after night. As her life spirals further into turmoil, these haunting visitations by the spirit become more frequent. But just when things seem to be at their breaking point, the spirit takes on a more active role in Leras life...This gripping narrative explores the complexities of family relationships, personal struggles, and the intervention of supernatural forces in unexpected ways. The story unfolds with a sense of mystery and intrigue, drawing viewers into Leras world as she navigates the challenges that come her way. The subtle blend of realism and the supernatural adds a compelling layer to the plot, keeping audiences on the edge of their seats as they discover the significance of the spirits presence in Leras life. Overall, the film delivers a captivating tale of resilience, hope, and the unseen forces that shape our destinies.
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