The story follows Trinity, a sly and confident gunman known for his quick draw, who earns his living as a bounty hunter. His brother Bambino, on the other hand, holds the position of sheriff in a small village but also leads a double life as a secret thief planning a heist. The duos plans take an unexpected turn when they find themselves in a confrontation with a wealthy landowner and a group of Mexican raiders who are attempting to displace a community of Mormon settlers. In a surprising twist, Trinity and Bambino decide to aid the peaceful settlers in their struggle against the ruthless forces threatening their home.Review:This action-packed Western delivers a thrilling blend of adventure, humor, and heart. Terence Hill and Bud Spencers charismatic portrayals of the daring Trinity and the mischievous Bambino make for a dynamic on-screen duo. The film excels in its ability to seamlessly weave together elements of comedy and drama, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats while also eliciting genuine laughs. With a compelling storyline and engaging characters, this movie offers a delightful ride through the Wild West that is sure to entertain audiences of all ages.
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