After witnessing a brutal crime at a remote cabin, a man seeks refuge in a hidden crawlspace as the perpetrators search for a mysterious fortune. With danger closing in, he faces a life-or-death decision - to stay hidden and risk his own demise, or to confront the killers in a desperate bid for survival.影评:这部电影紧张刺激,充满着紧张的气氛。观众将跟随主人公的挣扎,体验到生死存亡的考验。隐藏在爬行空间中的紧张感和对抗杀手的决斗戏码将让人紧张不已。这部影片让观众陷入紧张的氛围中,同时也反思了人性在极端环境下的抉择。
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