A seasoned British fighter pilot, Guy, finds himself at the helm of Britains groundbreaking manned space mission during the tense Cold War era. After three years of intensive training, he embarks on this historic journey only to face a daunting challenge - a malfunctioning capsule that leaves him stranded in space. With his connection to the UK limited, Guy unexpectedly communicates with the US and even establishes unorthodox contact with Tyuratam, deep within Soviet Russia. As the gripping tale unfolds, Guy must navigate not only the treacherous depths of space but also the complexities of international relations in a time of heightened political tensions.影评:这部影片让人们想起了太空时代初期那段备受关注的冷战时期。主人公在太空中的孤独和对抗技术故障的挑战让人屏住呼吸,而他与美国和苏联之间的非常规交流则增添了剧情的复杂性和紧迫感。观众们将跟随这位英国飞行员穿越未知的宇宙深处,体验他在极端环境下的抗争与冒险,铭记这段勇敢的空间奇航。
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