Jonathan, a man plagued by loneliness, finds unexpected company in the form of a young woman who mysteriously appears in his home. Despite their brief time together, a tragic incident results in her untimely demise. Rather than reporting the unfortunate turn of events, Jonathan is comforted by the newfound companionship and decides to conceal the body. As time passes, the silent presence of the deceased begins to take a toll, as the once welcome friendship turns into a haunting and deteriorating reminder of his actions.影评:这部影片以一种独特的方式探讨了孤独和人际关系的复杂性。通过对主人公的心理状态展开的细腻描绘,观众得以深入感受孤独与友情的交织。剧情的发展也以其扭曲的变化令人震惊,引发了对道德和人性的深刻思考。虽然让人不安,但影片令人深思。
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