Set against the backdrop of South African folklore, this atmospheric and foreboding supernatural thriller revolves around a white family who have recently relocated to an ancestral farm. Their arrival coincides with an encounter with Lazarus, a mysterious local pariah harboring a ominous secret that threatens the safety of all involved. Intertwined with evocative visuals, spine-chilling soundscapes, and a compelling portrayal by Tshamano Se..., the film delves into the perilous consequences of forbidden knowledge and the sinister forces lurking within their newfound surroundings.影评:这部电影利用南非民间传说为背景,将观众带入了一个神秘而危险的超自然世界。通过精彩的画面和引人入胜的表演,故事深度挖掘了禁忌知识所带来的危险后果以及新环境中潜伏的邪恶力量。
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