The story revolves around two closely connected young women, Olivia and Nicole, who live in New Yorks East Village. They are both struggling artists facing the threat of eviction and are grappling with an existential crisis. Their Bohemian apartment has had its electricity cut off, and theyve embarked on a questionable juice fast. With their finances depleted and their artistic integrity intact, they find themselves unable to come up with the rent. In order to address their predicament, they embark on an unconventional plan that leads them into a series of misadventures.Review:This comedy presents a funny and relatable portrayal of the challenges faced by young artists in a bustling city. The characters eccentricities and the situations they find themselves in lead to plenty of humorous moments. The film effectively captures the struggles of trying to maintain artistic integrity while dealing with the practicalities of everyday life. The chemistry between the two leads and their dynamic performances add depth to the story, making it an engaging and entertaining watch.
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