A tale of adolescence follows the journey of a 16-year-old boy named Ari, who had resided with his mother in Reykjavik before being unexpectedly relocated to the remote Westfjords to live with his father, Gunnar. As Ari settles into this stark new environment, he must grapple with the complexities of his strained relationship with his father, while also coming to terms with the transformation of his childhood friends. Amidst the desolate and deteriorating surroundings, Ari is compelled to embrace the challenges before him and carve out his own path.---This coming-of-age narrative delves deep into the trials and tribulations faced by Ari as he confronts the harsh realities of his altered reality. The film expertly captures the nuances of familial relationships and the tumultuous journey of self-discovery, set against a backdrop of rugged isolation. Through authentic performances and raw emotional storytelling, the narrative unfolds with a poignant message about resilience, growth, and finding ones place in the world.
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