In 1956, four years before pioneering primatologist Jane Goodall embarked on her groundbreaking research with chimpanzees, and seven years prior to Dian Fosseys work with mountain gorillas, a 23-year-old Canadian biologist named Anne Innis Dagg embarked on a remarkable solo expedition to South Africa. This journey marked her as the first person in the world to study the behavior of animals in their natural habitat...---This film delves into the little-known story of Anne Innis Dagg, a trailblazing biologist whose indomitable spirit and passion for animals led her to embark on an incredible journey long before it was considered acceptable for a young woman to do so. As she ventures into the wild to study animals firsthand, viewers are struck by Daggs unwavering dedication and groundbreaking contributions to the field of animal behavior. A captivating and inspiring tale of courage, determination, and the pursuit of knowledge, this film sheds light on a forgotten heroine whose pioneering work continues to inspire generations.
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